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how do i transfer act 1 to act 2

Hey there.

You need to get to the place where "Sloth" tells you it will export your gameplay to ActII.
If you see an "Ending" you do not get the option to export the game.


how do i get sloth to tell me that he didn’t show up after the game ended act 1


If you reach a "Game ending" there will be no Act II.
You need to refuse the Elite proposition to become one of them.

what! i didnt know that... every time i reset i accept the proposal 🤦‍♂️


Wow, The waiting is over now!😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

Any idea when 7.2 will be available for itch?

Let me think... 🤔
Soon... 😁

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Great work so far. Also you don’t really have to throw in sex scenes in every single update if you find it to be too tedious or stressful. 👍 app download doesn't work at all.

(1 edit) (+1)

Maybe you could add a donate link here , then, people may donate on conveniently😉😁

I can't import data in Act 2. How do I do it in Android?

You should finish Act1

I did finish it. They even asked me to name the export file and I did it several times but still nothing was imported in Act 2

Ummmm...Maybe you could try to copy Act1's saves to the Act2....

I can't play part 2 either. Even after finishing part 1. I tried to copy files from 1 to 2, but it says they are incompatible because they are from part 1.

Emmmm....Download the saves from other website?

Deleted 2 years ago

Did you continue until the very end for the prompt to save, or did you see the first "thank you for playing" message and exited? I'm guessing exiting too early might be the problem.

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

I've never seen this ending/scene before. In all my playthroughs, I've chosen not to become an elite and accepted Brendta's (apologies if I misspelled her name) invitation to train with her.


Out of curiosity, does downloading only act II also include Act I or are they completely separate?

They're separate and you can't play act 2 without finishing the 1st one.

(2 edits)

ive been wondering for months now what else does he spent his money on? 🤔 sadly the game allways crashes before I can read it.

do you have a discord page? it so please link it, would love to talk to some like-minded people. also have some feedback for you. thank you so much love your game!

Sure, here you go


When the Next version of act 2 will be released??

Now ;)


I loved both act I and act II and now I cant wait for act III.. devs definitely did a great job.  when will Ataegina Act III be out?

Thank you Mr. Lucifer, it's an honor to please the lord of hell. 😁

ha ha... you really did a great work in this, so you deserve all the praises. Looking forward for the act III

My saves are not working i cannot play act 2 please send me saves of act 1 eagerly waiting to play act 2 kindly reply soon bro


Can you please set up a "name your price" like some other games on this site? I want to pay a few dollars to show my support but my credit card doesn't work on Patreon, buy me a coffee or subscriber star. I remember I paid for other games on itch so it should work here.

Thank you, it means a lot to me that you are willing to spend money on my work. I'll look into it later, for now the main purpose is to have people enjoy it ;)

When will be next version of Ataegina Act II be released??

Now 😋


Just finished act I a lot sooner than I thought I would, and wanted to make an honest review about it. By that I mean that I'm going to be... well, honest about the game. What I liked, disliked, literally my overall experience. My objective here is to not offend the developer (not actively, if I do it without realizing it feel free to call me out), so if anyone else feels offended by my opinion on this game... well, I couldn't care less. With that said:

Definitely an interesting experience, not many games create this classic RPG setting full of the typical cliches of actual tabletop roleplay sessions mixed with some cliches from RPG video games as well. I like the design of characters and enviroments as well, there was a considerable amount of effort in making the game not look like a bunch of stock assets put together. 

However, and this is where the whole thing of being honest without offending you, the developer, comes into play... let's get into detail on how my personal experience quickly devolved into a somewhat painful, a bit rushed and at the same time repetitive insistance of seeing act I to the end. Let's start by the prologue in it's entirety, from the first few scenes all the way to the timeskip. It felt weird at first because the dialogues were rather short and sometimes bland but I put all that aside thinking "well, prologues are normally the first thing on the to-remake list of developers so I won't look too much into it." but it didn't take long for me to notice that the same issues of the prologue still were there, they were part of it. None of the dialogues were particularly inspiring, even the ones giving huge chunks of lore like the conversation with Sloth, not to mention the fact that each scene with a character didn't last more than a few minutes, which led to basically me not caring about most of the characters at all, relationship building wasn't really a thing throughout the whole game. 

Especially because some characters sometimes appeared (or were seeked by the MC) only for sex scenes and the cherry on top of this problem alone is that Mida, supposedly the character that I should care about the most given that she's the MC's girlfriend, was the one who suffered the most with this. In a Cinema Sins way of speaking: she literally vanishes until the plot (or a sex scene) needs her again, and this is true for many other characters, pretty much ALL of them. Which was funny because right on the timeskip, which came WAY too early and only reinforced the problem of relationship building being basically non-existant, when it is told that the MC started dating Mida I thought "well, maybe now things will slow down a bit and we'll get to the serious stuff with maybe, and I'm totally in for that, romance" but alas... none of it happened, and it made the corruption and love points system useless.

Next there's this "Meanwhile" thing... honestly, with the breakneck speed of dialogues and the rushed story that sometimes kept going in circles around itself, the whole game felt like a huge "Meanwhile". What I mean is: don't show me what led to a certain battle or major event in the story, show me ONLY the consequences, the actual battle or major event and leave me to wonder what led to it. Not to mention that out many of these were sex scenes that I couldn't care less about. Bredita raping a helpless, mind controlled girl or some demon guy fucking his sister, like what the fuck? Don't I have better things to do? Training? Interacting with chatacters to advance the plot?

Now that I've mentioned it, the story of the game... during the prologue it felt like a slow-burn (as slow as it could be given everything that I mentioned) but, again, after the timeskip is when problems start. This feeling that it kept going in circles, always talking about the same things and same characters, and constant repetition mixed with the "Freeroam mode" (add a billion quotes there) honestly made me want to give up sometimes. But I persisted, and I'll mention the reason at the end of this.

To be honest, it only felt like the story started to move foward during the fight with Gluttony, when the game just decides to force me to use Lucifer's power (or Lich, I started refering to him like this after understanding that he is the father of the sins, even though he might have whatever name Ataegina gave him) instead of giving me another choice and this one could've been used as a big alignment change: if the player uses his power, he loses like 5 points or more, and if he doesn't, Ataegina shows up (again, only because the plot needs her) and unlocks a part of the MCs power temporarily, leading to the same battle plus a few more alignment points for choosing to "stay in the path of light". Then you could've progressed with the script, going to hell and talking to Sloth, everything else happens normally. By the way, the alignment system felt basically as useless as the love and corruption points. I played a rather neutral route, doing what I wanted to and ended with almost 20 points (towards good), but the only times where it was mentioned were during the what, 2 or 3 times Ataegina appeared after the timeskip? 

Last but not least important: the battle system. I honestly don't mind a battle system in the game, afterall what would be the use of a stats system without practical use, right? The problem is making it just a minigame of random luck, where it's very easy to lose in the early game because you don't do much damage and the enemy damage is basically random, but almost impossible to lose later on because while the enemy is stuck somewhere between 6 and 15 points of damage, the MC deals more than 30 each round, I managed to deal like 50 points of damage many times myself using batflemagic. So... do what you want with the minigame, personally I'm just here for a fantasy story. And honestly I couldn't take most of the battles seriously due to the clunky plot. Believe me, by the time I reached that fight with "Horror", "Terror" or whatever he was called, instead of being confused or intimidated by it, I was like "Get dead, bitch. Anti-Eldritch squad here!". 

So, to summarize my experience: high hopes that quickly devolved into painful insistance of seeing what would happen next, hoping that the problems would slowly be solved, meaning that they were attended to with each update. And my opinion on the game is pretty much the same I had after finishing the triology of a game called Breeding Island, not known by many who only use as their source of NSFW games. I believe that only someone who has seen a book, movie or game to the end has the right to give opinions about it, basically because they sat through the entire experience on their own. And I knew that there was a big chance that I was losing precious time of my life after finishing Breeding Island 1 but I still gave a chance to both the second and third game, because I still had hope and because of this point ot view. My opinion on it? A total waste of time.

I'm sorry to say but if Ataegina keeps going like this, I fear that by the end of Act II or by the end of whatever act is the final one I'll have the same opinion  I had on Breeding Island, and believe it or not but I don't want to. Why? Because the Grand Canyon-sized difference between your game and that one is that you're putting effort in it, even with the many setbacks I mentioned that can be solved rather easily. I don't want to finish Ataegina and think "what a fucking waste of time" because, at the end of the day, I still like this game. For what it is now, with many flaws, and for what it can be with the right fixes and maybe a step-by-step series of updates focusing on remaking it.

Well, this was a lengthy text of me... being honest. Again, offending the developer wasn't my intention at any moment, and nothing that I said here will stop me from playing Act II, I just wanted to get everything out of my chest before moving on. 

On a late side note: I hate the fact that there are actual giant spiders in the game, which 100% adds to the authenticity of the fantasy experience, but as a guy who suffers from severe aracnophobia, highly stimulated after getting a few hours of Skyrim + The Witcher 3: Heart of Stone in, I can't help but hate it. And I hate the fact that, of all things, you nailed the cliche moments of them appearing. Had to wander into a frost cave to hide from a blizzard? Look upwards... :) Exploring some ancient ruin looking for relics and old knowledge? Hey, what's that in the darkness? Looks big... :)

You know he is right Sir kthulian.

you will be fulfilling my life long wishes when you act and consider every word to word of Mr Xxmadroguex.

Xxmadroguex,I love you man(A thousand word can not explan my grantitute and love for you),you have just offload all the pains in my chest about atagina all this years.

Thanks Mr Xxmadroguex.

One love Ataegina.

One love kthulian.

One love Xxmadroguex.

Thanks... I guess? Like I said, I was just being honest ^^"

And the game has been going on for years already? There are people who do these reviews in a much more "professional" way. How come they didn't show up here? Holy crap... well, I'm glad to be of service, I think.

Wow that was a lot of text, 😅
So first of all, thank you for your opinions and sorry for the delayed answer, I've been a bit busy this last few days, I'm not offended at all. Quite the opposite, for you to spend so much time thinking and writing about the game it means that at least you care about it and that's a good thing. 

Also I'm really hard to offend 😛

So I had an idea... If you could, what would be the first thing of all things you would change in the game? 

Do you have a discord? do you want to share/think of ideas?

If it's for the sake of the game I'm all in.


PS: I'll be uploading the new version to itch right now.

I was in fact wondering where did Act II go 😂

Literally after finishing writing my review I went straight to the download and it said that either it was removed by Mega or you. I was like "either an update is right around the corner so he removed the file or something went wrong".

Now, about your question: there are so many things that I'd change or straight up remove from the game like these "Meanwhile" scenes (and maybe those 8 legged, nightmare-inducing monstrosities, but that's just me) but if I had to pick one and only one thing to change, it would be the overall relationship with characters, with a lot of attention given to Mida. That would demand a LOT of rework (in fact, I think it would pretty much demand a full remake) but to me that's the most important thing in any game, and I really missed it here. 

About Discord, I do have it. Idk if there is a way to PM you here with my code, in case there isn't then I'll just leave it here. If I can help the development with what few ideas come to my mind, I certainly will. 

I've gotta say, you did actually cover all the issues there was, but to be honest I really enjoyed the game. The issue I have is trying to play it on a web site, there is an automatic crash icon, and apparently it only works on some versions of google chrome. So I'm not sure if that's a coding issue or just the web site. I did get lost at one point in the plot, and it had something to do with the scene when the MC was kidnapped, I didn't know what to make of it. You couldn't really tell when the illusion stopped, even after escaping some how, I still had to question the MC's fortune. I think there are side stories to explore, one being the alternate dimension he discovered. Also the knowledge demon, I think it's unrealistic, that you basically offer an entire library and still have to pay for the spells. I like to encourage developers, because I know first hand how time consuming, and frustrating it is to complete projects, especially if it's a small team, or a one man team. I've only managed to play the first game, because there is a major issue all over the net with continuing with the saved file. 

There are some more characters that was neglected, like the bully at the start, what became of him, a rivalry like that is bound to carry over into the story. Mida is also one of them. Also there was a major bug in the game, I do believe it was the snow scene, I travelled back and forth, for a hot minute before I was able to progress. So that needs looking into. Also the decisions you made in the past, you should have some ability to collect on debt or favors, based on your choices. An ex is Def Jam fight for NY. You can basically conquer , and after taking control. You can choose to build your team, and fight. For the war scene, I believe that the MC caught up to the Leaders a bit too quickly in terms of strength and respect.

In all my rambling here is my 2 cents.

The bully from the school, should have been incorporated.

His inner circle or friend group should be there, including the animal looking character.

Mida needs a character building Arc.

Needs the opportunity to control, or manipulate more characters to aid you in upcoming wars. I.E the vampire saga.

The knowledge demon and the deal that was struct has very little to benefit the MC.

The plot armor needs to be removed from some of the characters, decisions should let some of them die in battle, if you made the wrong call.

There should be more temptations to use the power of the stone, that can gradually increase the corruption. I.E if your life gets to a point or at some special conditions, there is a rage, or transformation trigger that can be activated, The longer you are in it, the more likely you will be able lose the character.

As I stated I've only finished Act I

So ACT II I will certainly let you guys know. But I still give it a 4/5

Nice one arthurmcdanieljr2022,infact,we need a total rebuild of act one and two or make all it up in the following Acts to come,must of us fans are developer with formendable Resources,able to restructure Ataegina game.

It's cool when you contact Ataegina team or Sir kthulian on Discord and share idles,resources so as to help shorten the rebuild time process(I mean we fans should become online team to help Sir kthulian providing best of best resources and codes needed).



Can somebody give me the save file. 

I am starting Act2 and I think I deleted my last saved file of Act1. 

When act 3 going to be released 

Really awesome game. Really hope it's a harem game or has a harem path etc, or I'm fucked after building a really tall house of cards out of sexual relationships


Nah, that's not an issue here as long as you don't lie about it.


On the PC version i can't use level 5 to level 10 Battle Magic it pulls a page saying an exception has occurred  then it giving me a bunch of game code and all the other magic types are working fine


I'd like to second this, and specify that this issues is for Act 2 and only lasts until you're advanced training. After that it works perfectly

Aha, finally enemies can't be burning and frozen at the same time! Illusion is still op though. Also, there's not enough choices based on magic/alignment, which makes them sad and irrelevant. Here's hoping the story gets some branching down the line. Additions to ui are as nice as they are welcome.

I think the Alignment thing is going to mostly effect how you interact with the Goddess as it has done so till now. So I think the alignment isn't going to change our frequent options, but but will likely change the story overall with bigger changes probably in the background

When will be next version of Ataegina Act II be released??

Right now :P

(1 edit)

can anybody send the imports whose are working of ataegina act 1 las mine one are not working and I want to play act 2....

Here you go. Unpack it into Android/data, rewrite files when promted. The link will only last a month, hope you'll notice it before it expires.

hey hello, I just finished playing your game ataegina act 1, android phone, even got the ending scene with sloth who tells to save game for act 2, I did and even got notification "game state successfully exported", but when I open act2 0.6.6, and I clicked on start, it showed nothing, 0 imports, "there's nothing here, are you sure you finished act 1"? Please tell me what to do? I just finished playing act 1, didn't delete anything, what did I do wrong?

Sorry it took me so long to answer, what version of android are you using? 

When the game (Act I) says it exported the state successfully you just need to press "Start" on act II.

Unless you are using an android emulator or some sort of streaming website it should work... At least from android  7.0 up...

I'm using android version 11, I'm playing directly from the apps, here are the screenshots from immediately right now, if it's okay to share, I'm using act 1 version 0.5, and act 2 version 0.6.6... why is it not able to detect my save file?

That's not supposed to happen... 🤔   Are you allowing the game to create files on your device? Where is it storing the persistent data?

Deleted 2 years ago

(1 edit)

Or do you suggest that I delete EVERYTHING and install them again and play again? It SHOULD work then right? Genuinely asking, because this game is AMAZING 👍💞, I REALLY wanna know why it's not working for me, I downloaded from Android adult website, through mega...

(1 edit)

Why i can't use my save file in the new version of act 2 and I lost my saves of act 1 for different reasons so what do I do now should I start from the beginning or what? (I am using the android version for more info) 

Admin when ru posting update 6.6 and the file 6.5 in Android cannot be downloaded anymore it says it has been deleted by the admin

no you first need to download act 1 play en fisnish it and then you download act2

Hey dude, I just finished playing act 1, I even got the ending sloth scene to save, i did, but when I opened act 2, it was showing nothing, and telling "there's nothing here, are you sure you finished act 1", can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

after you finist act one you see slot en giving you een save slot dat you can name en there you save it after that you go to act 2 en you klick on play 

act1 is another game then the act 2 or what? what i mean should i download act1 and act2 as different game?or just download act2 ans act1 will be there?

"Different" games, you need to finish Act I to play Act II, and they are different downloads

that's what I see i download the act2 it's about less then 1GB.and when i see the act1 version i see it about 2GB!!unfortunately i should delete the act2 and download the act1. then let's goo!! bey bey i hope this game surprise me!! 

hey hello, I just finished playing your game ataegina act 1, android phone, even got the ending scene with sloth who tells to save game for act 2, I did and even got notification "game state successfully exported", but when I open act2 0.6.6, and I clicked on start, it showed nothing, 0 imports, "there's nothing here, are you sure you finished act 1"? Please tell me what to do? I just finished playing act 1, didn't delete anything, what did I do wrong?

Is there an english verison or is it all spanish for act 2 6.5


There's Spanish version of it, too?

Mine was in English, try checking the options.

mine doesnt show up as english at all and i dont know how to get to to be englis

Are you using the links I posted here? 
There are indeed other language versions but I always upload the english version

(1 edit)

i downloaded the link from here but it went to spanish i believ

i have completely wiped it off my pc and every time i redownload and open it goes to that even in game

🤔 That's really odd... Nobody else seems to be having that issue... Anyway
Unpack and place these files inside the game\ folder, replace when asked. This will add a menu option to change to english.

PS: That's not spanish that's portuguese.


(1 edit)

sorry i only really understand french and english and thanks for the help


the link of act 2 for windows does not work, could you fix it please?


I did even better, I uploaded the new version ;)

When the next  version of Act 2 will be released??

Previous updates came monthly so it's a bit early for this question.

Still I don't have any idea when it will be released so if u can tell when it is most often released

What choices do we have to pick to get the Isabella scene??


At the start of the game ,it will ask you to choose neutral ,good or bad for your character. Choose neutral and then keep your alignment at 1 or 2.

(2 edits)

Just follow her, fighting choice doesn't seem to have any meaning(aside from the words she says afterwards). I got her in both good and neutral root.


might there be another download source?  MEGA is one of the worst I have ever seen.  Tried over 2 hours and stalled at 45% on a fiber line.

use megabasterd

(1 edit)

How can i get the scenes of isabella one and yisna and cera one? Please help.

I only failed to get Isabella in evil root, so she should be no problem unless you avoided her before. I usually avoided all intimacy with Yissna so I can't say how to unlock her scene. 

My question is - is it possible to progress Cerea root without Yissna(later on)?

I don't know about that one . I am not getting any of those scenes no matter what i do.

Usually my builds include Healing, Alteration and something else(for damage). Healing has a few checks throughout the game, though I don't remember Isabella being in any of them.

Also, maybe new saves don't work so well(mine are old and seem to work as intended).

I got the scenes of isabella three time through neutral route but still no sign of cerea and yisnna one. 

Di you get the last scene of yissna and cerea?

No, like I sad, I mostly ignored Yissna, so I didn't get the scene. I think I tried getting her in neutral root, but probably botched one of the dialogues and didn't get it. Either that or she needs more corruption while I've only given her love(3).

This is a really engaging and entertaining game that could use some polishing in some aspects. Really enjoying your game so far.  BTW I highly recommend that you add a "role-playing" or "RPG" tag to your game on this website so that it would be easier for more people to find this game. 

Thank you, let's see... tags.... ;)

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