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Fantastic game, the story hooked me just as much as the NSFW content.  The story made the sex interactions much more memorable.


Thank you, glad you enjoy it


Added new links... For V0.5 ;)

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Is this only a minor revamp? The ending is the same as 0.4.9

Hey there! V0.5 ends with the player arriving at the brothel in Allesterra City, V0.4.9 ends with Ayna asking you about the Elite.

What's the last action you can do in the game in V0.5?

The choice of becoming an elite or not, I loaded in the game from my last save from the previous version.

You need to use a save before you enter on the "goodbye stage (Girls saying goodbye)" or just roll back enough to trigger the new scenes.
PS: If you choose to be an elite, you see one of the endings 

Does link to 4.9 windows no longer work?

Cant get mega link to download last 6%

What O.S?

Does the update work on Android or do i need to start over?

Hey there

For Android you need to download the full game, but you can use saves from the previous build


(1 edit)

Good game keep up the good work. Don't mind my message ⬇️ there. 

Thanks, glad you enjoy it


Why does this ask for access to all your files or you can't play the game?

(1 edit) (+1)

Why does your phone ask for you to sign in or you cant use it.  Why ask for a phone when you dont need one. Why bother saving information when you dont need it. Why asking a stupid question when it is pointless. all applications today requires confirmation, that is built into the OS Operating System If You Didn't Know. Just dont bother downloading. Why do we have privacy policy. Because everybody wants privacy, they ask for your approval to access those files to read and write to your phone, laptop, desktop, mac whatever the heck you use. One of the best ways to prevent a virus too.


"One of the best ways to prevent a virus, too" - uhhh, no
And asking for read access is different than management access of all on device files and connected volumes including deletion without your knowledge. None of my other games have access and they play fine.
You're not the dev and you have nothing constructive to add. Move along troll.

speak for yourself


Hey there, I believe that most apps need access when they need to use (save/load) files and since the game is not a google play app, your device needs to make sure you really want to give those permitions to a random app.


Hi, I don't know what happends but when you have the "date" with Ryo before she leaves. The game just doesn't find anymore images. I just get a dark screen, an error and the dialogues.

Hmm... Let's see if I can help you, so let's start with:

 What OS are you using?  Did you download the full version or just the update?
And are you using any mods or game decompilers?


Hi, i had the 4.6 version and waited a while. Then i downloaded the 4.9 and i'm using my save from 4.6 so maybe it's that. I'm using windows and downloaded the files on the MEGA link and no i'm not using any mods of decompilers, since i don't know what it is x).

Take into account that the "update only" file is for V0.48 to V0.49, using it on V0.46 will not work, you'll need to download the full V0.49 version in that case.

Yeah, I didn't download the update only files, i downloaded the other. That's my problem.

Now that's a first... Maybe a corrupted file 🤔

Here try with this link that is a packed version

Let me know if it solves your problem

At some point the save button disepeared from the right now i see my magic and the heart at the top all the time. I was trying To do evil run but wanted to go back to good now i cant load the save. I even tried deleting and dowloading the game again but nothing hapened


What version and operating system are you using?


(1 edit)

Android Version 0.8 On Android 10.00.215

(1 edit) (+1)

I figured it out. the save button disepears after the fight with wrath in evil path i had delete 2 files so i can get to the menu and re-dowload the game and found the button wont disepear if i skip the fight

Awesome, sorry for the delay, February was really complicated for me.

There is a similar but less concerning bug with the good side you lose the ability to see magic and relationship

Bug: I lost the non summoning melee abilities when playing from old saves.

Hey there,
Can you explain a bit better? From what version old saves? 


(1 edit)

I started playing the game a couple versions ago (0.4.6 from itch). I don't use the melee very often (ignored it in the previous update), I'm sticking with my second play through as an evil character (first play through as good). Also I love to use the skip button and I don't know if I'm just being a bone head (overlooking and forgetting the part where this is only available in a good character). This:

Lead to "You don't have a weapon yet" message.

Strange.... Well I'll leave the link to a fix here

(You need to use a save before that battle with the dragon happens)

Paste the file on the "game" folder and replace

"It will only work on original unaltered version of the game"


Are there any other download links for this for PC?  I am having a hell of a time with this download.  I have tried to download it 3 times and it stops 3/4 of the way, and takes hours to even get there.

Try these

I'm having a problem at the point where the archmage increases my HP and MP  where it says "ScriptError: could not find label 'v46start'"

Strange, what version are you using and are you using any sort of mod?

I am not using any mods and I am using v0.4.7 for windows

Loving the game! I think I found a dead end tho, after you sleep with your GF for the second time. I can explore the college, but can't progress in any way. after a while, I can only search around the portal and bathing room, but nothing can be found. I can't use the portal or talk to anybody about progressing. Is there a guide? Or is that the end of the current build? 

Thanks! That's just the beginning :P

If I understand correctly where you are, you need to go outside, you will find a red icon on the top left to go outside the college. 

That will happen sometimes, but you usually get hints of what you have to do next.

The current version ends after a 3some, and all versions end with a message saying so. 


OMG yes I found it, thanks!

New version is out, Updated ;)


New version is out, You can download it now


Love the game! I hope to see it completed soon! Has alot of potential

Thanks, it still has a long way to go xD

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Nvm I had to do a few trys also great game


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Fantastic game so far!  I'd love to see the game take some time to grow the current content a bit now, rather then progress in the story.  My biggest frustration was "k you have the world map, you get to do some stuff and then you don't see it again for a long time" or whenever there was time to explore the college there was only one goal.

That said, I love the game.  Great characters, beautiful renders, the story so far is pretty fun.  I do look forward to seeing more of the story as well!  Keep up the fantastic work.  You got yourself another patreon :)

Thank you
I'll do my best


Excellent game, really enjoying both the story and freedom of character building it offers.I'd say what bothers me the most having played through this version is that everything is a step-by-step process. By that I mean when you go to the college map, you need to go to a specific location to progress(and there's really very little in any other room), to progress past the mountain you need to talk to every character available on the map, etc. I'd like it if, as more and more characters came to the college, you could visit them in their rooms, or just offer some sort of side activities that you can take a free moment to do as an aside from the running back and forth. I feel like it was largely rushing from one scene to the next, so I'd appreciate a little more freedom with it (the side quests in the beginning, like the market stall one, were pretty cool).

An option to have choices display what they'll do what also be nice (i.e. raise love, raise corruption,stat increase,etc), just so you don't have to go down every path to see which options best match the character you want to play or how to maximize your stats.

With that out of the way, and without throwing spoilers out there in the comments, I want to say that I was really, really impressed by what the story contains so far. The world, the lore, the characters, overall very good. I do think what's currently in the game could use a bit of an expansion itself as stated above, but the story is solid.

Very much looking forward to where this game goes.


Thank you for your opinion and for your kind words, I know exactly what you mean, and I have plans to add "side stuff" on later updates, maybe when I get better hardware I can be faster and have more stuff  xD 

I'll do my best to keep you coming back for more ;)


I'd like to ask, I noticed while playing through that there were some characters not included in the love/corruption menu that the game would tell me I raised status with (like Bairn, I think the name was), are you planning to add more characters to that menu over time or are they meant more as a passive relation rather than the other characters' more active relation? I feel there's some potential to get to know a lot of the other characters more personally, such as Bairn/shapeshifting demon girl that starts with a C.

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Hello, I have some questions, but before I wanted tell you that you make realy cute girls, and don't know how you did it, but first time I see Yotul out of bed, I feel like she was realy storng. (Tall and wide, loved it)

One sad thing is, like he/she said  before, there is not so much side-story, to spend more time with our girlfriend or help other, deepen our bond. But like you said: "it still has a long way to go xD" so, maybe either: the demon/devil/sin will, maybe, need/take a break, or we will beat them all, and have a new enemy, and use that time to deepen our bond.

Or just comming back on that after some up-date. No need of better hardware if you take one or two up-date to do it :)

For the question:

For the game, wondering if it is best to have every thing at the same level, or to have some higher than other (for example, the same healing spell will heal more at level 20 than lvl10) ?

And story/nsfw part,
Surely, there is a long way before needing and answer for this one, but like Mida is our girlfriend, I was wondering, are you planning "faithful" route, where we date only Mida. Another one, where we are with her Ayna, Katryona and, maybe, Fannay. And a "harem" route, make her open to more girl than just Ayna and Katryona, or will we have to break with her for that ?

And, that is because it is my personal fetish, if there is so many different races, like we still didn't see every one of them, centaur, minotaure on myrthial, also, no one come back from uky. Do you think, that it is possible, ther is also one race who have both gender (to make futa/girl with dick) ?
And as you have give us choise to cum inside, or pull out. Does it mean, in the midle-far future, there will be pregnant ?

checked your website from the visit us button in-game. brings up something else instead.


Hey, thanks for playing, yeah I've been having some trouble with the host.

Anyway, if you have questions just let me know


I don't know how I am supposed to get this game. The file is over 2GB and mega files has a download limit of 2GB. So I either have to buy  a subscription or wait 4 hours to download the rest. Not doing either of that

That's strange... That's the first time I hear such thing... 

I can provide you a different link, just let me know what O.S you are using


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