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привет а можно добавить при новом обновлении сцены беременности 

Вроде как будет в конце игры, но до него ещё далеко

хорошо спасибо)


Привет, отличная игра, как я говорил, раньше. можно спросить  в будущих обновлениях.  Можно 

Сделать больше обшения  с аинои сильванои и и другими персонажами с которыми сеичас мало обшается и спасибо за отличную игру ждем новую версию


Firstly, let me say your game is absolutely amazing. Just finished ACT 1. That's where my question comes from - after picking the option to have Cerea pay intimate 'rent' next time I get to the Tower, nothing with her happens when I bring Katla and Isabel to the Tower, nor after talking with the Centaur girl. Is no there no action with Cerea in Act 1? Or did I rollback by mistake and choose the wrong option after all?

It happens in act 2. Cerea can either fulfill the promise she made or can be turned into your friend I think.

Привет ждем русскую версию

Да мы играем на телефоне не на компьютере


Привет а где еше можно скачать ваши игры на андроид на каких саитах и еше можно узнать увас есть группа вк?

Hello, I don't know what "VK group" is, but you can find all my links on my discord channel.



привет прости можно узнать ты исправил проблему с заклинаниями иначе во 2части мв не можем использовать в ручную звклинания мы на телефоне играем

А в чём была проблема, с какими заклинаниями? Сам играю с телефона, не помню ничего такого.

когда я собираюсь использовать заклинаниния сам в ручную во время боя выходит ошибка  хочешь я могу сделать скриншот и прислать тебе как только  русская версия ввидет новои части

привет ты можешь нормально использовать заклинания в бою во 2 части как использовал в 1части без проблем если да то можешь мне тоже помочь ?


Please change the act I download to gofile, mega is so slow. I'm getting 4 mb/s on mega when i get like 30-40 mb/s on gofile.

Hey, kthulian

 (if possible make it more interactable when it comes to moving around, instead of the game doing it for you)

Had a blast playing the new update


Hey, Mr. Kthulian.

Can you add an alternate site option for downloading act I?


So i need to finish act 1 then download act 2 over it?


Yes, you need to finish Act I to start Act II.

But you don't overwrite it, just place it on another folder.


привет я использую андроид и хотел спросить вв смогли исправить проблему когда во 2части пытаемся использовать заклинания выдает ошибку в ручную не можем использоватт

Why does this game require access to save and delete all files on my device?

Hey there.

To create a savegame, a file needs to be "saved" on your device, to delete a savegame file, it needs to be "deleted" from the device.



Hey guys need your help. Can someoney explain me how i import my savegame from Act I into Act II it says that my savegame isnt from Act II. Please help im addictet to this game :)

Hey there.

Did you reach the part where Sloth tells you it will make a special save for Act II?


Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

🤔 Weird.
Are you using Windows, Mac or Android?
And did the message "Game exported successfully" appear on Act I ?



Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

update felt unbelievably short

Had fun tho, I highly recommend it

привет тв смогла норм сыграть 2часть атаганинв с сохранениями 1части

This game is pretty long and I must say that I was captivated. 
I like the magics  and the "upgrade" from act 1 -> act 2 was really appreciate, even if it hurt to be mocked :p
Summons aren't that long, DoT doesn't do that much damages and I think Bosses need to have a big damage spell that force you to shield somehow. 
From ailments, I think frost is a bit broken and redundant with stun and ignited isn't that good. I can continue a bit like that but overall, It's fun to setup a frost to have the freedom to cast your powerfull spell after ^^
Otherwise, It would be nice if we could have both acts available on app. It's easier to get notified from updates like that.

Good job for the work and good luck for the future !

I'll wait the updates with impatience :p

when is the next update

can anybody send the imports whose are working of ataegina act 1 las mine one are not working and I want to play act 2....

hello my net is slow and my lib file is missing somehow can someone upload it for me just 20mb ,  win v7.6

(1 edit) (+1)

i have problems in my net for the past week and they didn't fix it yet if you're wondering , it feels like shit i can't play it because of 20mb ppleas help 


Excellent world building, but I was unable to build  in depth relationship with most character ,except few.


One of my favorite games I've played in a while downloading 7.6 Now!



Could I have the discord link please? I cant find it anywhere.

Next update ? 


Stop using unsupported download sites

Here are Itchio's compatibility guides:  

Please use a supported method, so updates can be downloaded directly through the app.

I've encountered a bug: I've met Mida twice (first in my tower and then in Brenda's fortress).

Yes... My fault completely.
Place this file in the \game folder and replace when asked.

Let me know if it solved the issue

It worked.

Any other places to download from aside from mega?


Hi, may I know when will Ataegina (ActIII) available?


Who said that there's going to be an Act III?
Unless you question is :
-When is the next version coming out?
The answer would be:
- In a few days as usual ;)


First of all, thank you for creating this game. I’ve had a blast playing both acts. The game feels like it was created by someone with love and care, and judging by your community engagement and rapid updates it seems I was not wrong on that mark.  

Character expression
In a text-based game like this one, the primary way a character can express themselves is through text. This is both a blessing and a curse: it is easier for a game developer to create unique characters, as they only have two attributes to individuate (looks and text); but those two attributes need clear differences in order to create truly “unique” characters. On the visual side, it is pretty simple: change the hair colors, eye colors, face features, etc. Text, however, is much more difficult. Communication through text is often much more impersonal than, say, meeting up with someone. Additionally, all the characters are written by one person, which tend to carry him- or herself in a similar way. Creating truly unique characters is extremely difficult, and is rarely something I find in NSFW games – this one included. It is something you have to actively think about when writing dialogue.

A couple of random examples.

  • The elven queen in the last scenes of Act II should speak more formally than the rest of the cast. She is in a seat of power where more formal speech is expected, and has lived more than enough years to “learn that way of talking”.
  • Most of Mida’s dialogue does not feel “affectionate”, which is part of the reason I did not really enjoy that character relationship. She does not feel any special in contrast to most other characters, because the MC talks with her the same way he would with most other people he met throughout the game (and vice versa).

On the contrary, a character I think is good in this regard is Cerea. Although improvements can be made, it’s relatively noticeable that the further into the game it gets, the more she “softens up”.

To get this sort of character expression feel right is very difficult. There’s only a handful out of all the games I’ve played that REALLY nail this (last being Eternum). I’m not saying Ataegina is the worst offender – far from it! Although it can be something to think about a little extra in the future, that really helps make a game stand out.

I also want to point out that I full-heartedly agree with all of XxMadRoguexX’s points in a comment he/she made a few months ago. The prologue was a let-down, and I never really got to make a bond with any of the characters during this phase. If you ever decide to revisit this content, I would love to see more of Katriona forming this close, almost family-like bond with the MC in his younger days. Maybe we even get to discover where the “flower boy”-nickname originated from? Additionally, it is mentioned throughout the story that Ayna always showed a “little extra care” to the MC. I would like to see some examples of this to, maybe a few scenes with some training sessions they had together? Also, during the prologue, it is mentioned that Mida and the MC started dating a few months prior. It would really help with Mida’s character development if this romantic relationship was actually established, instead of forced down your throat with a “Mida is now ur gf lol”. Essentially, the prologue should be extended.

There’s quite a few systems to this game. The combat skill points, the love/corruption, the free-roam, the stone, and the money. Let’s break them down a little.

Combat skill points: these are generally fine. A little out of tune, but an engaging combat system was never really the main selling point of the game anyway. It is just a nice bonus to have.

Love/corruption: I… I’m not really sure what this does. I assume if a character has too few love/corruption points, you are locked out of certain scenes. That’s alright, however, managing to balance these throughout the game while being unsure what the right amount of love/corruption is for a certain character to experience a certain scene just ends up being annoying. I’d rather have ONE system – love – which locks you out of scenes so that the player has the ability to not see certain content. Corruption, however, should instead be decided by the characters personality. We learn throughout the story that Mida is a little bit of a nymphomaniac – great! She does not really need a separate points system to indicate this.

Free roaming: Adding free roaming to a game like this is very ambitious. Most of the time the rooms are empty with nothing happening in them, so you just end up clicking all over the place hoping the next room is the right one to go to. It ends up being a little useless in the end. If there were tons of content in these rooms (I know there’s a couple in Liliana’s room) it would be fine, but it’s just… not enough for this to be worth it. It seems they are only really there to gain a little bit of extra side cash, but… yeah, I’ll talk about that next.

The money: I generally do not enjoy games with monetary systems. Prioritizing content, being afraid to spend money in case you get locked out of content in the future… not really for me. If there was something you buy in some sort of shop, which was consumable or unlocked pictures or whatever, and did NOT lock you out of content, that would be fine. However, there’s no consistent, not main story-related way to make money, and there’s no sort of consumables or extra content you unlock with money, so it just ends up being fickle.

The “Stone”: I believe this is not fully developed yet, and we are to see more of this in the future, but… I am left with blue balls on this one. There is really only one character which can be corrupted as of yet (Carinna? Corinna? I must’ve forgot), which is in of itself a cool interaction. You also try to corrupt Ryo, but ultimately the stone does not really play any significant part there. Additionally, you are able to consume a soul once? I never really understood what that did. It did not grant any stats, did not change the story in any way, and there was only one time this was able to be done by free will. So far, it seems like an interesting theory but severely underdeveloped.

To summarize: this game feels like it is in the middle of a little identity crisis. It is trying to be a free roaming-esque game, but lacks most of the necessary features to be so (content outside of the main story, a way to consistently earn money, buyables that affect the gameplay). Also, stone is cool, but largely forgotten.

Despite all of this, this is really a fantastic game. I thoroughly enjoyed my multiple playthroughs, and I genuinely am looking forward to more content from you. I enjoy the universe you have created, I love the inclusions of multiple different races, and I especially love how all the different places in the world FEELS unique. The visual feel of the game is fantastic. You’ve really outdone yourself in that department.

This game feels like a love-project, and it is definitely noticeable the amount of time and effort you have sunk into this creation. Also, I understand that the majority of the points I’ve talked to are scenes from earlier versions of the game, and a lot has improved in the later installations (majority of Act II was great in these regards). I understand that you might not want to revisit this “old” version of the game, and instead focus on creating new content, which is ultimately what garners the most attention. Although, I wanted to give you a little feedback anyway, because with the effort you put into this game you definitely deserve it.

Again, thank you for all you have done with this. These are my personal opinions and might not ring true for many of the other players.

Thank you so much for your words, it's this type of comment that helps me improve.
We might agree or disagree with each other opinions, but that's the best part of it, different opinions and acceptance.

This game is indeed a "love project" that's how it started and that's what makes me keep going and releasing an update every single month for the past years. (Having financial and moralizing support also helps of course) 

 Yes, I was terrible at several things at the start, like creating the images of the game, writing in English (not my native language), even at coding (You can see that Act II is more polished than the first) ... However, I had an objective to make a game for me and for me alone... After some time, people started to appear from everywhere and here we are...

I do plan to make a "complete" version in the end, maybe even put it on Steam. With several improvements and changes to the game, but that is still far away because I have a story to tell for now ;)


This is a very great game. Thanks for creating this universe Kthulian!

But can you please provide some other download links than mega? Mega enforces a daily download quota of 4GB, and because my HDD failed, now I have to re-download everything, so I'm having quite a headache, seeing how many games on itch are only available through mega.

Hey there, thank you.
I have mirrors on my Subscribestar  and also in my channel on Discord for public use (Free).
Also on Patron, not public (Because they don't allow it) I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for ;)


why have you not put pateron and suscribstar link in description

Hello, Terribly sorry to post a technical and common question. But I'm a bit desperate for help.

I'm running a laptop with linux Mint, and playing Ataegina on a Firefox Browser through, in a Private/Incognito window.

I just finished part 1, in fact I still have the tab open. I am TrYinG to get Part II to work.

I got to the part where Sloth says it's magic and I need to name my save so I do.

I then open a new tab and pull up part 2. 

It loads, I hit start, it says "are you sure you finished act 1?".

I've run this this a few times since I have a hard save right before Sloth asks so I can go back.

But I can't get in! 

I exported my saves through Renpy but I have never been able to get them to import, I've unzipped them, kept them zipped, tried to upload each individual thing. Nothing works.

I did notice that when Sloth asks me to name my save a "persistant" file shows up in the in export save data. But trying to Import that into my save has been fruitless.

Any help would be really appriciated, I would really like to continue exploring this game, it doesn't seem like I'm the only one having issues?

Am I just SOL because I'm in a private tab and it's not saving cookies?

Hey there, first of all thank you for your kind words.

Second, I'm not responsible for the Gamecore version of Ataegina, so I have no idea what they do to the code. It's not the first time someone tells me the gamecore game doesn't export/import. That is, like I said, out of my reach since I have no power over what gamecore does.

PS: Yes, Act I creates a persistent file (Stored in the device) that can be read by Act II.


totally understand, thanks for taking the time to respond back and try to help!

Hey man, loving the game quick question tho, i got banned from the discord because i got hacked and it sent a link in all of the channels and now i am banned from the discord, i did not intentionally send that is there any way for me to be unbanned?

Sure, just let me know what your username is, or if you don't to show it here just DM me

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

Unbanned ;)
Be careful with hackers this time


had the same problem with a "QR code authentification" never used any DC QR code or that it even would override even 2 step authentification, got on all "bigger" servers banned, until i had the solution found over the internet to completly remove that access

You know what,  this is truly amazing! 👍🏻👍🏻😉😉😉

This sucks been thru to Sloth 5 time and still no work with saves... to ACT II

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