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Merry Christmas

(1 edit)


Hey one question: do I need to install the act 1 and act 2

Or I can just install the act 2 ?


Hey there, you need both Act I and Act II to play Act II.

is there any other places to download the game? mega has a limit and it makes it so i cant download!

What's your operating system?

windows 10


Act I
Act II


Hello its me again i need some help how can i play Act 2? I already finished 2 of the ending of act one or do i need to finish all 3 of the end and if yes what do i do next after i finish all of the ending?

Hey there, glad you enjoy it thanks :)
About the screen not showing bug... I have no idea what happened...  Are you using PC, Mac or Android?

To play act II you just need to wait until Sloth tells you it's going to save the game using "Magic"

привет можете прислать мне видео как правильно все сделать чтобы запутить 2акт атаганины ???

Hello i really love your game but i i just have one problem i wondering why the back save load and the skip button suddenly disappeared please healp

I think it's because of controls(swipe left&right toggles menu buttons; sometimes it worked when I skipped a lot of text manually and accidentally slipped into that; doing that swipe again usually brings the menu back).

hi I have completed the gameplay all the way the end of the current version, 5.7.  I have different saves so I am able to see each paths versions, and I’d like to say this is by far the best game there is. I love how monthly its updated and progressing,  Being able to choose your own path is what drives this game far ahead of all others imo.  Congrats on the success of this game, it 100% deserves more eyesz 

One question, at the end of 5.7 it says there was 3 endings, one was something about a book with the archmage? I did 2 of the 3, but never understood how to get this ending, can u help me out? 

Thank you, glad you enjoy it that much.

At the end of each update Bredita will tell you what scenes you missed, it's not an ending.
The Ayna book thing is when you go inside her room and use the book on the table (Only doable if you're not on the evil path.)


I can't seem to find that part, and i am on the good path. Could you please share some details, I tried everything?

привет можешь мне видео отправить как правильно все сделать чтобы запутит 2акт на андроиде???

I am stuck on slayer capital. Can anyone tell me how can i progress from here because i am not getting any clue where to go or what to do

Look for the "round" building on the other side of the river

(2 edits)

Can't access the menus in android - buttons are not there and swipe up doesn't do anything. I think I had this problem before, but now I can't get out of it(both before and after the patch).

UPD: it took a while, but I've finally managed to find a workaround. You'll need to delete persistent save files to prevent the game loading in a broken state. The problem is - there are more then 1 save folders(and the game seems to use all of them). I searched by name to find them and clear anything with 'reload' and 'persist' in it's name.

I wanna try out the game, but I can't download the game by mega, it put that the link doesn't exist or something like that

Hey there, it should be fixed now ;)

(2 edits)

I had the good fortune of stumbling on this game about a week ago, and was instantly hooked.  The quantity and quality of the story was refreshingly high.  Part II is even more polished, and it's clear the skill in this effort has increased over the years.  By the end of the current content, I was cheering on the developer to see the continuous improvement.

Thank you for this project Kthulian, and looking forward to see the next twist and turn.

Enjoy your 5x coffees mate!

😅 Thank you 
Glad you enjoy it, I'll do my best


Hi,I imported saves from gamcor. com and cant play act 2, could you help with that? I tried putting saves into saves folder and it didn't work. Also I saved the game when sloth told me to.

Part 1 of your game is can't be downloaded

(1 edit)

[Bug] [Spoilers] In act 1 if you choose the evil path after the fight with Wrath at Brendita's place the gui buttons disappear (save, skip, back)

Edit: on Android btw

Hey sorry to be a drag but the act one download isn't working it tells me the file isn't available

Its the same for me too. Are you trying to get android version?

yes I am the android download seems to have a few problems

Should be fixed now, anyway

Can someone pls post the save files for android for act2 , I have lost them when I lost my other device

I get an error starting the game about nothing here.  Corrupted download maybe ?

(1 edit)

hey dude could pls update your game on as i play it on that site online as the file size is too big :)

(1 edit)

I am not the owner of that website nor I have admin rights to do what you say.  In fact I just discovered that the game is hosted there now 🙄

i didn't know that you were not hosting that ame on the site. most the times the update of your games comes after a couple of days .

I'm  trying to download act 1 and mega is saying it doesn't exist  I am on android

It's working on my end... Have you tried again?

I did and it says this

Should be fixed now


Link to download Act II  v0.5.5 is not working. Something about the associated user account being terminated over on Mega side. 

It's working on my end... Have you tried again?

I'm having the same issue. Says the account was terminated. Android download.

Sorry, forgot to mention I'm playing on Android. I am still getting this message whenever I try to download Act II.

I'll be uploading the new version here in the next couple of days. That will solve the issue

(1 edit)

I had to delete part 2 previous version due to storage issues but kept the save files in my phone ( Android) , now when I am placing the files in the renpy folder under ataegina 66, it isn't recognising the save file, Android 11

I hope next version comes to fix that for some of you who seem to have some issues with the save import

(1 edit)

Hi I really enjoyed the game but when i want to start part 2 it says that you didn't finish the part 1 .

I am playing this game on Android and yes the sloth asked me to save the game and i saved it more than 5 times.

Please help me i really want to know what will happen in the next part.


Have you named the save? What's your android version?

(1 edit)

Yes i named some of them but i didn't put any name for some of them

My Android version is 10


Same here buddy idk and i really want to see what happens next

I hope next version comes to fix that for some of you who seem to have some issues with the save import

Hi, let me start by saying that I have been playing act 1 and I'm finding it very very nice. I like the game world a lot!

Unfortunately, I have met the following error that repeats everytime I get to the same scene:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

ScriptError: could not find label 'lichthehellout'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/v32.rpyc", line 1151, in script

  File "E:\Giochi\Altri\magewar\start\games\installed\AtaeginaActI-0.5-pc\renpy\", line 1697, in execute

    rv =

  File "E:\Giochi\Altri\magewar\start\games\installed\AtaeginaActI-0.5-pc\renpy\", line 898, in lookup

    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))

ScriptError: could not find label 'lichthehellout'.



Ataegina 0.5

Mon Sep 13 01:42:39 2021

This happens in the dark elf city, after the encounter with the queen, when I have flattened a few enemies and a tougher one arrives. I downloaded the game from the link on this page, so it's strange that I seem to be the only one with this problem.

🤔 weird... 

I don't think I've ever had that issue reported... Have you tried a fresh download? 

Does the act 2 download include everything or do I need two separate downloads?

Hey there
Act I and II are different, you need to have finished Act I to play Act II


Mother.. OF ... GOD...

okay, so ive played lots of different VN's, probably more than 20, and I can honestly say... THIS GAME IS AMAZING. I'm hooked, seriously. I'm usually not a fan of SciFi themed AVN's, but this is the exception. its engaging, addicting, and honestly one of my favorite as of yet. I cant tell you how happy i am that i discovered this game, and i will definitely be eagerly (and impatiently) waiting for the next update haha.


Awww... Thanks
Glad you enjoy it 😅

Recently played both acts and they are very good. It was very immersive, hours passed by without me realising. Looking forward to more parts of the story! :D

P.S. How often are updates going to be?

Thanks! Updates are usually uploaded every month

I can't get the Act 2 download to work on Mac, I tried downloading from Mega and also compressed version on Workupload.  Thanks!

I'll add mirrors asap

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

You can try to delete the "credits" folder

I have the same issue as a Mac user so I don't know how to fix it.

Have you tried to delete the "credits" folder? 

It's placed right here "  AtaeginaActII-0.5.4-dists\\Contents\Resources\autorun\game\credits "

Can this be downloaded somewhere other than Mega?  Mega is a garbage site that crashes all the time.

I'll add mirrors asap

(1 edit)

I cant get it to load my Act 1 saves and I'm unable to play it.

Played through the first one again and still says there's nothing there. How do I play Act 2?

When Sloth asks you to save it will create a special save game. When you press start on Act II those saves will show up.

are you a farn of mortal kombat

Do enhanced spells work, or was their explanation (+power, +1 tier) just a way of demonstrating character's training progress? Also, I don't remember ever being healed by my companions(even below half my health). Some battles seemed dragged out in act 1(towards the end). And spell selection could be less clunky on Android. Otherwise both acts work fine(for now) and I'm really interested on how things are gonna play out from here.

Hey there, thanks for playing.

Well, the combat system is an ever evolving matter, I hope that when the game is done I finally have the "Perfect" version of combat 😅

Right now on Act II after the training with the elites, some of the formulas for spell effectiveness have been changed.


I'm pretty sure empowered spells were introduced in Act 1(when the Elites decide to start training you). Not the point though, I forgot to mention some other(minor) stuff.

First off, both acts could use some proof-reading(there is some preposition misuse here and there, and some words are clearly supposed to be different). Also, dark elves get a bit too dark at times, especially their queen. I could discern her eyes somewhat clearly in the throne room, but the only way to do it in the latter scenes(like bedroom) was her makeup. I hope you'll find a way to saturate them a bit more without breaking the 'dark' theme.

Do you have a Discord or something similar, where your player base actively has discussions about the game?

Yes ;)

Deleted 273 days ago

Did Sloth told you to name a save to save your stats?

Check post below yours. Also:

Windows/Mac/Android? Original/modded?

I downloaded Act 1 for Android from an external source since the link from itch hasn't been working, and now that I finished it I tried importing the save to the Act 2 but no luck, and yes the Act 1 version is 0.5, I'm just not sure I'm doing something wrong or if it's just incompatible because it's not the original link

(1 edit)

This is what the game is located as, I'll take a shot in the dark and guess it can't find the save because the name is not the same it's probably intended to find since it's not kthulian's release

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey there! Did the game (Sloth) told you it was going to save the game stats?
If this didn't show up, then the game is not being exported to Act II

PS: Fixed the Android link

he did, I talked to sloth and the brothel girls and everything

Fixed, game's running and got imported properly, all I had to do was download the new link, go to the folders and find the name that the game was looking for (org.ataegina.the66) and transfer the saves from the other version I was playing (the pornoisland thing)

I don't think anyone else will have this issue since you're gonna need an entirely different version of the game but just in case, this is what fixed it for me, also thanks Kthulian for fixing the link that fast

Nice! Good to know your sorted it out

привет я смог сделать это если нужна помошь скажи попробую помочь хочешь тут хочешь на другом саите если конечно нужна помошь

привет если ты смог норм проити можешь мне видео отправить как правильно все сделать,?

привет можете прислать мне видео как правильно все сделать чтобы запутить 2акт атаганины ???

привет можешь прислать мне видео как правильно все сделать чтобы запутить 2акт атаганины???

I can't download from mega, I'm on windows

Act I ? Act II?

Mirrors from mediafire


Let me know if it works for you

it did, thank you

(1 edit) (+1)

Gluttony has entered the battle.

Me: Bring it on! 

Many combinations of Barrier and Wraith later, Gluttony's health is just below half. 

Me: You want more?  Plenty more where that came from! (Looks at mana pool...) or not.  Aether Blade +3 mp. This might take awhile. OK Katt I'm counting on you. 

Katt attacks +3 damage

Gluttony is planning something

Me: Aether Blade +3 mp. Woot next round I can cast Barrier 

Katt attacks +3 damage

Gluttony attacks +23 damage Gluttony is planning something

Me: it's OK we got this. Decides to cast Wraith instead of Barrier for the extra mp. +23 dmg +5mp woo-hoo!

Katt attacks +9 dmg

Me: wait, why didn't she heal me? 

Gluttony attacks +23 dmg  Gluttony is planning something

Me: um Katt I really need you right about now.  Aether Blade +4mp Really need you. 

Katt attacks +3dmg 

Me: Seriously! It's OK I have faith in you. Aether Blade +3mp

Gluttony attacks +25dmg Gluttony is planning something

Me: I'm bleeding out over here, I could really use the best Healer in the college, like right now. 

Katt cast Healing

Me Finally! +5hp ... This is because I spied on you in the bath isn't it? 

Gluttony attacks.... Game over

I love this game, but seriously Katt, is the worst Healer ever. 


Ahaha, best battle description ever.  Combat will get a new look soon, probably next update, and both companions and opponents will have something new.

BTW thanks for playing!


Sweet! Looking forward to it.  Also, love the fact that you have a True Neutral path. 


Mana Burn is your friend, my man (does damage based on the current size of your mana pool - a hit with that as your 1st move can do over 40 damage if you've got a decent score in the skill). And Greater Ward is even more so (diverts all damage from the next attack into mana - recharges better than Wraith plus you don't take damage).

Mana Burn turns otherwise tediously or even dangerously long fights into easily managed ones simply by knocking off huge chunks of the enemy's HP right off the bat, and Greater Ward means you never need to worry about running out of mana, so long as you don't let yourself run dry - just keep casting it until your pool is full again.

it is a bit ironic that the best spells for combat are not in the Battlemagic school, I'll grant...


Thanks for the tip. I'll be playing around with my build some more and I will definitely check that out.


this looks like those 

YOU WILL not last more than 5 minutes

I need to try it



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